SEND Partnerships

  • SEND Partnerships 

    At Rossmere Primary School, we have forged some very effective links through our multi-agency approach when working to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs.
    Some of the agencies we regularly work with are:-


    Educational Psychology Team – Hartlepool Borough Council 

    Following parental consent and referral, the educational psychologist assesses and supports individual pupils with special educational needs by providing parents and school staff with detailed reports and suggestions for actions based on identification of need. The educational psychologist is very important in contributing to statutory assessment. They also contribute to the identification and assessment of a child’s needs and recommend strategies and support arrangements which will enable the child to make progress.


    •  assessment and treatment of children and young people up to 18 years old with mental health disorders;
    • advice, support and consultation for family, carers and workers from health, social services, educational and voluntary agencies;
    • promotion of positive mental health in children and young people.

    Treatments/interventions offered are evidence-based and vary from individual, group and family approach.

    Hearing impaired Service/Visually Impaired Service – NHS

    These services are frequently used in school to support children and staff with strategies that will enable children to access the curriculum. With consent, schools can refer to the service.


    Speech and Language Service (SALT)

    Telephone: 01429 522712
    Address: Hart Building, University Hospital of Hartlepool, Holdforth Road, Hartlepool, TS24 9AH

    At Rossmere Primary School, we benefit from significant involvement with the Speech and Language Service on a weekly basis.
    Speech therapists and assistants will implement blocks of therapy with individual children. They provide work packs for staff to be able to work on targets within class. They attend review meetings for children with special educational needs.


    Occupational Therapy – NHS

    Telephone: 01429 522691
    Address: Paediatric Occupational Therapy Service, Holdforth Road, Hartlepool, TS24 9AH

    Occupational Therapists work with children aged 0 -18 years. They become involved with children who are experiencing difficulty in completing tasks for themselves such as handwriting, toileting, bathing or they may have difficulties in co-ordination and perceptual activities.
    Therapists see children in various settings such as home, school and the hospital.
    Following the assessment, they may provide therapy, intervention or recommend a programme of activities/exercises that family members can do with their child to help them.


    Occupational Therapy – Future Steps

    Telephone 01642 807669
    Rossmere Primary School have a contract with Future Steps to provide assessment and therapy on the school site during the school day. Future Steps can support with any child who has difficulties with concentration, fine or gross motor skills, self regulation or co-ordination difficulties. 

    Place 2 Be


    Rossmere Primary School have a contract with Place 2 Be to offer counselling and therapeutic support to children and parents. Support can be offered with relationship issues, trauma, grief and bereavement or anything else where a child’s mental wellbeing is affecting their life.


    Trailblazer (Alliance)

    The aim of the team is to promote resilience, encourage the development of self-care skills and self-help techniques and explore different coping strategies. They will be working with children and young people experiencing mild to moderate traits of low mood, anxiety and behaviour. This will be done through 1-1 interventions with children, group work, parental support or signposting to more suitable organizations.