Please find information about our expectations for home learning.
Above are examples of children’s home learning projects.
All children should read with an adult at least 3 times a week – this will really help to improve their reading speed, fluency and understanding. Although older children may be fantastic readers, please still find the time to share a book with your child so that you can explain any new vocabulary that they come across. Within their home reading logs, children and adults can record unfamiliar vocabulary. Their home reading log is where adults can record that their child has read and any comments they wish to make. Home reading logs are checked daily.
Children will complete a ‘quiz’ on Accelerated Reader when they have finished a book. this can also be accessed from home during any school closure or period of self isolation.
Spelling and Phonics
All children will bring home either sounds or spellings to learn. Please help them to practice these at home as it will help them to make quicker progress in their reading and writing.
All children have access to Spelling Shed which is an online app designed to improve spelling. Teachers will set work each week on Spelling Shed, or children can practice any spelling patterns. Teachers can monitor a child’s usage and success rate. A link can be found here –
Times Tables
From Year 2 all children need to learn their multiplication tables from 2×2 to 12×12. Teachers will decide on the most appropriate for your child to learn, and this will be set for homework.
All children have access to Times Table Rockstars which is an online app designed to practice rapid recall of multiplication tables. Teachers can monitor a child’s usage and success rate. A link can be found here – https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student
Project Homework Grid
All children will be given a grid of activities each half term that link to the project they are covering in school – this will include model making, drawing, research or cake making (as examples). It is up to families to decide which activities to complete. Points are given for each completed activity.
These are examples –