Phonics and Reading

  • Introduction to Reading

    Phonics Policy

    Early reading in Rossmere

    In Sparkles and Nursery (2 and 3 year olds) we introduce children to reading and the sounds that letters make. This focuses very much on listening and copying sounds. When children are ready (usually toward the end of nursery) we introduce them to the Read Write Inc Phonics scheme that focuses on using picture and verse to remember the shape of each letter.

    Building up Phonics

    Over their time in Nursery, Reception and Year 1 all children are taught to read through the Read Write Inc phonics scheme. This includes using ‘speed sounds’ flashcards for quick recognition of sounds, copying an adult and repetition of sounds and then blending phonemes and graphemes together to read words.

    When children are ready to blend sounds into words, they start to read phonic reading books from the Read Write Inc scheme.

    The vast majority of children are secure with Phonics by the summer term of Year 1.

    Phonics Intervention

    Children who are not secure in phonics by the summer term of Year 1 have intervention in the form of small group or one to one teaching using the 1-1 tutoring document linked to our RWInc. scheme.

    Intervention in phonics will continue through Year 2 and into KS2 were applicable for those children who still required additional support. 1-1 tutoring is also used as the intervention programme in Year 3/4. If a child is still not being successful in phonics by Year 4, alternative approaches will be used as it could be that the child is a proficient ‘sight reader’. We also use the Fresh Start intervention as another RWInc. tool. Fidelity to our phonics approach remains as our priority.

    Accelerated Reader

    All children progress onto Accelerated Reader once they have successfully passed the Year 1 Phonics Test and are assessed to be proficient in phonics.

    Accelerated Reader assesses comprehension through online ‘quizzes’ taken after reading each book. A child therefore progresses through books in a planned way, selecting from a huge range of ‘real books’;, both fiction and non-fiction. Children are then assessed using the scheme every half term, to monitor progress.  









    Reading Curriculum

    Whole School Reading Curriculum