Coronavirus catch-up premium

  • Purpose of the grant

    To help any child who has been adversely affected by the partial closure of schools in Summer 2020 or by self isolation, to regain any lost learning.

    Rossmere Primary School will receive £28,000 over the 2020/21 academic year


    How the grant will be spent – targeted pupils 

    After reviewing data captured in September/October 2020 we have made the decision to focus the funding on the following groups of pupils –

    • Year 6 pupils who are targeted to reach Age Related Expectations, based on prior assessment data, but have fallen behind. They will have small group tuition in reading and maths once a week to focus on the skills and knowledge gaps identified in assessment. This will be delivered by an experienced Year 6 teacher employed as a consultant.
    • Year 6 pupils who are targeted to exceed Age Related Expectations, based on prior assessment data but have fallen behind. They will have additional lessons after the school day every week that focuses on gaps in higher level skills in reading and maths. This will be delivered by an experienced Year 6 teacher employed as a consultant.
    • Children with SEND have been affected the most significantly by isolation / partial closure, as their small group targeted intervention did not happen. We have purchased licenses for Lexia for all pupils on the SEND register for cognition and learning, so that they can access a progressive online programme to develop their skills in reading and spelling both in school and at home should they need to isolate again. Teaching Assistants have been redeployed and trained to lead this within each area of school, and to make sure that all identified children access the programme.
    • Children in Reception and Year 1 have been assessed to be further behind in reading and phonics by approximately 6 months. We have invested in more phonic reading books as so many children are now at the same point of ‘beginning to blend’. Teachers have adapted their planning to reflect the need to focus on phonics as the primary education need in these year groups.
    • Children in Year 1 have not yet completed the Foundation Stage Profile – therefore investment into creating Child Initiated Learning opportunities in Year 1 has been necessary during the Autumn Term.

    Online Tutoring

    Across Key Stage 2, children have access to online tutoring every Friday afternoon. Targeted children in Years 3 to 6 have access to an hour slot of mathematics tutoring conducted by specialised online tutors. A tutor from the company facilitates in school along with a learning coach from each Key Stage.

    Within Year 2, children access extra Maths tutoring via in school learning coaches. This takes places every Monday after school. 

    Years 5/6 – Action Tutoring

    Years 3/4 – Third Space Learning

    Year 2 – First Class Maths (led by learning coaches on Mondays after school).

    Measuring Impact

    Impact will be measured in the following ways:

    • End of Key Stage 2 results
    • Year 1 phonics results
    • Foundation Stage Profile – reading strand