Year 4 Curriculum



    Curriculum Coverage Year 4 – 2022-23

    Each project covers all the work for half a term in history, geography, science, art and design, design technology and computing. It also has links to PE and PSHE.
    Each year the teachers 6 projects including those listed here. They choose projects that will ensure full National Curriculum coverage and also suit the interests of the children within that year group.
    Each project is based around acquisition of knowledge, development of skills and the addition of cultural capital to a child’s experience of school.

    The Year 4 curriculum is enhanced by the following –

    • A 3 day residential visit to Carlton Outdoor Education Centre
    • A Christmas show
    • Participation in sporting competitions
    • An enterprise project that runs throughout the year where children create goods to sell and plan events to raise money
    • Visits and visitors linked to our project work
    • Outdoor learning in the Forest School
    • Homework tasks that are creative and linked to the project

    Blue Abyss 

    Grab your wetsuit! We’re going on a deep sea adventure.

    This half term, we’ll visit an aquarium to gain an insight into the ocean world. We’ll sketch different creatures and create clay sculptures of our favourite. Writing poems inspired by our favourite sea creatures will help us to develop a rich vocabulary. Using maps, globes and atlases, we’ll identify the world’s oceans and seas. We’ll also find different ways of grouping living things. Diving back into the 1800s, we’ll learn all about the HMS Challenger. We’ll research Jacques Cousteau and write biographies about his exciting explorations. As a challenge, we’ll create model submarines using recycled materials and program an onscreen submarine. We’ll study Antony Gormley’s Another Place sculpture and write reviews. After locating the Great Barrier Reef on a map, we’ll learn about the risks it faces.

    At the end of the ILP, we’ll listen to the soothing sounds of whale song and write ballads about whales. We’ll invite you to visit our ‘Oceans art gallery’ and deliver workshops about sustainability.

    Help your child prepare for their project
    Oceans are remarkable and fascinating places that are full of life. Why not visit the coast together to see an ocean or sea up close? You could also look at an atlas or online map to find out which seas and oceans surround Britain. Alternatively, work together to create an under-the-sea collage using different materials to represent the plants, creatures and water.

    Burps, Bottoms and Bile 

    Open wide – let’s look inside! We’re on a voyage of discovery to investigate the busy world inside your body.

    This half term, we’ll visit a dentist and ask lots of questions. We’ll find out about different dental procedures and learn new scientific vocabulary. At school, we’ll use this information to write toothy fact files. There will be lots of investigating as we learn about our different teeth, how to brush them and how sugary drinks affect them. We’ll examine the amount of sugar in different foods and create images of ourselves with healthy and unhealthy teeth. We’ll write a story describing the journey a piece of food takes through the digestive system. In science, we’ll learn about the organs involved in digestion and make our own wearable digestive systems in D&T. We’ll learn about digestion in different animals and handle a range of digestive organs.

    At the end of the ILP, we’ll write persuasive texts to convince people to eat healthily and share these with you. We’ll use what we’ve learned to play a scientific game and create healthy snack packs for our friends. We’ll also write to our digestive systems, promising to keep them healthy.

    Help your child prepare for their project
    The food we eat goes on an amazing journey through the digestive system. Why not keep a joint food diary for a week to see if you eat enough gut-friendly foods? You could also try a new food or drink that you’ve never tasted before. What do you like or dislike about its taste and texture? Alternatively, drop copper coins into a range of fizzy drinks overnight to see what happens. Which drink has the most powerful cleaning properties?

    I am Warrior! 

    We are brave, powerful warriors, and we will meet in battle!

    This half term, we’ll divide into two warring groups: the Celts and the Romans. In our battle games, who will be victorious? We’ll research Celtic and Roman warriors and write soliloquies as soldiers. Using different source materials we’ll investigate the Roman Empire and read Roman numerals. After designing and making shields, we’ll test them in battle and practise our attacking and defending skills. The Celtic warrior queen, Boudicca, will inspire us to create stories, models and artwork. We’ll write plays about gladiators and a menu for wealthy Romans. Using maps, globes and information books, we’ll compare Britain (the home of the Celts) and Rome (the home of the Romans).

    At the end of the ILP, we’ll reflect on what the Romans did for us. We’ll become archaeologists, examining and sorting artefacts. You’ll receive an invitation to our art gallery where we’ll give guided tours to explain what we have learnt.

    Help your child prepare for their project
    The Romans changed the course of England’s history. Why not visit a museum together or look at Roman artefacts online to see what you can learn about the Romans? You could also look at holiday brochures and online information to find out about modern day Rome. Which tourist attractions would you like to visit? Alternatively, you could work together to make a model of a Roman villa using recycled materials.

    Misty Mountain Sierra 

    Mighty mountains rise above the morning mists, imposing and eternal.

    During this half term, we’re going up in the world, visiting a hill, upland area or moor, and noticing how the weather changes. Back in the classroom, we’ll use a range of maps, information books and websites to write a recount of our visit. We’ll find out where the highest mountains are, learn how to use a compass and make 3-D mountain models. Inspired by the magnificent mountains of the world, we’ll complete graphs showing heights, look at webcam and satellite images and create wonderful weavings. Using our literacy skills, we’ll write mountain-shaped poems and compose songs about the water cycle. We’ll also examine how mountains are displayed on a map, and build a water cycle to look at changing states of matter.

    At the end of the project, we’ll write stories about the Yeti and invite you to a presentation that will showcase our geography skills. Finally, we’ll think about our personal ‘mountains’. What are our goals and how will we achieve them?

    Help your child prepare for their project
    Climbing a mountain is an exciting adventure! Why not research one of the world’s highest mountains together? You could also find out about the animals that live there and how they have adapted to the environment. Alternatively, visit the library together to find out how mountains are formed and where in the world they can be seen.

    Road Trip USA! 

    Buckle up and put your sunglasses on – this half term we’re going on a road trip across the USA!

    We’ll start by ‘visiting’ the states where Native American tribes settled. We’ll use travel brochures and the internet to research New York and write postcards to family members. Using maps, we’ll locate the USA and find the names of the states. We’ll look at the amazing lights of Times Square, make circuits and create a program for a tourist trip around New York. We’ll write diaries and explore Native American myths. After learning about their cultural significance, we’ll weave beautiful dreamcatchers. Looking at aerial views of natural landmarks, we’ll think about how they might have been formed. We’ll create travel brochures and make illuminated models of different landmarks. Then we’ll cook delicious dishes – would anyone like a corn dog?

    At the end of the project, we’ll make a ‘journey stick’ so we can remember where we have visited. We’ll use this to explain our learning journey.

    Help your child prepare for their project
    The USA is an incredible place, with a varied landscape and culture. Why not choose a state to research together and create a scrapbook of exciting locations? You could also make a playlist of American songs from different genres that you could listen to on your road trip. Alternatively, visit the supermarket together to see if you can identify any foods associated with the USA. You might even try some of them!

    Traders and Raiders 

    Who’s that waving axes and brandishing swords? It’s the Saxons invading Britain’s shores!

    During this half term, we’ll start by making sturdy boats to sail the ocean’s fearsome waves. We’ll write reports as an onlooker who witnessed the Saxons’ landing, and we’ll find out about key dates. Using online maps, we’ll plot the location of Roman shore forts and draw our own sketch maps. We’ll make models of Saxon weaponry, homes and jewellery and carefully carve runes using clay tools. When we learn about the Legend of King Arthur, we’ll retell the story, and write character portraits about Alfred the Great. We’ll write poems praising King Olaf, making sure they are complimentary, and learn about the everyday lives of the Saxons and Vikings. Using maps, we’ll identify the places where the invaders came from and locate Viking invasion sites. We’ll research Viking beliefs and take part in a scrumptious Viking feast.

    At the end of the project, we’ll reflect on what it would have been like to be a child during these troubled times and invite you to a Saxon and Viking art exhibition.

    Help your child prepare for their project
    Watch out – the Saxons and Vikings are invading! Why not visit your local library together to see if there have been any Saxon or Viking invasions in your area? You could also find out more by visiting your local museum to explore Saxon and Viking connections further. Alternatively, read books and watch films together to gain an insight into this period, such as How to Train Your Dragon.

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    Writing Progression

    Year 4 Writing Overview and Progression

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    RE Curriculum Coverage Year 4